Evolve Body Contouring

Dr. Fedok offers a non-invasive body contouring treatment at the Fedok Plastic Surgery and Laser Center in Foley. Evolve helps to sculpt the body in all treated areas by toning and tightening the skin while also breaking down fat deposits. This allows you to target specific body areas that regular exercise routines often miss.

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What Is Evolve Body Contouring?

What Is Evolve Body Contouring?What Is Evolve Body Contouring?

Evolve is a hands-free device that delivers bipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy and electro muscle stimulation (EMS) for the breakdown of fatty tissue while stimulating muscles and collagen production. It is ideal for treating fat deposits and skin laxity anywhere on the body. Common treatment sites are the abdomen, flanks, back, upper arms and thighs.

How Does
It Work?

Evolve Body Contouring: How Does It Work?Evolve Body Contouring: How Does It Work?

During the session, the applicators are placed against the surface of your skin to deliver targeted pulses of energy into your problematic zones. This energy causes fatty tissues to heat up and dissolve while also stimulating muscle contractions and collagen production in order to improve laxity. The entire process is painless and requires no downtime afterward. Long-term results can be seen after a series of four to six treatments depending on your goals for the area being treated. A maintenance session is recommended every one to three months. After the treatment, you will notice a progressive reduction in fat deposits as well as improved tone, texture and tightness of your skin.

Who Are Ideal Candidates?

Evolve Body Contouring: Who Are Ideal Candidates?Evolve Body Contouring: Who Are Ideal Candidates?

If you struggle with toning and tightening certain areas of your body, then Evolve may be an option for you. Ideally, you are in good health and have no pre-existing medical conditions that may negatively affect your treatment or the desired outcome. Dr. Fedok will conduct a thorough evaluation during the consultation to see if this is the best treatment option for you.

Evolve Body Contouring Benefits

Evolve Body Contouring Benefits

The treatment is pain-free and requires no downtime with treatment sessions lasting 45 – 60 minutes. The benefits of Dr. Fedok’s non-surgical body contouring treatment include:

  • Evolve Tite’s radiofrequency energy tightens the subdermal layers of the skin and improves elasticity with collagen stimulation.
  • Evolve Tone stimulates involuntary muscle contractions through EMS and creates a more toned appearance.
  • Evolve Transform delivers heat deep into the subcutaneous tissue and breaks down fat cells to reduce fat deposits and the appearance of cellulite while also stimulating muscles through EMS.
  • Evolve can be used as an adjunct to other contouring treatments including liposuction and BodyTite

Evolve Body Contouring Before & After Results

Evolve Body Contouring Before & After Results
Treatment Consultation

The Evolve Body Contouring Treatment

The Evolve body contouring treatment is ideal for those who prefer a non-invasive alternative for body contouring. Dr. Fedok prepares a body remodeling treatment plan unique to each patient – and takes into consideration his patients’ lifestyle, desired goals and health.

During your Evolve treatment session, Dr. Fedok will apply a gel and fit the device belt onto the area. The device consists of up to eight cells that transmit bipolar radiofrequency energy and/or EMS into the desired treatment areas. Initially, some discomfort may be experienced while the muscles adjust to the stimulation.

Depending on the desired results, expect 4 – 6 weekly treatment sessions. Visible improvement in muscle tone, a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and firmer skin will start to be seen two to six weeks after treatment.



Recovery with Evolve Body-Contouring is a natural and seamless experience. With no downtime, patients can expect to return to normal activities immediately after the procedure. Patients may experience mild swelling and soreness for several days post-treatment, but these symptoms should fade quickly. The results of the treatment will continue to improve over time as collagen regeneration takes place. Dr. Fedok will provide you with clear post-treatment guidelines to help you achieve the best body contouring results.

Evolve Body Contouring: Recovery
Evolve Body Contouring: Risks and Side Effects

Risks and Side Effects

Undergoing the Evolve Body Contouring at the Fedok Plastic Surgery and Laser Center is generally a safe procedure. However, some patients may experience swelling, bruising, redness and tenderness at the site of treatment. Patients with diabetes or poor circulation should consult Dr. Fedok prior to undergoing this procedure.

Book Your Evolve Body Contouring Treatment Consultation With Dr. Fedok

Learn more about the amazing Evolve Body Contouring treatment and schedule a consultation with Dr. Fedok today. With his expertise, he can help you achieve your desired body goals. During the consultation, Dr. Fedok will carefully assess your needs and determine the best course of action for you to reach the results that you desire. He understands that each person’s journey is unique and will personalize your treatment accordingly.

To learn more about the Evolve Body Contouring treatment or to schedule a consultation, please contact Dr Fedok’s office at (251) 910-1950 today.

Dr. Fedok photo

By Dr. Fedok, a well-respected and widely published double board-certified plastic surgeon whose before and after gallery, RealSelf and Google Reviews reflect his trusted expertise.

Dr. Fred G. Fedok - inspected patient
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