Cheek Implants

Achieve a youthful, plump appearance with cheek augmentation. Dr. Fedok's expert techniques enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

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What Is Cheek Augmentation?

What Is Cheek Augmentation?What Is Cheek Augmentation?

Traditionally, strong cheekbones and facial angulation have been considered signs of beauty. Cheek implants add definition to your face and enhance facial harmony through two procedures: malar augmentation and submalar augmentation. The submalar implant may even provide a more youthful appearance or complement the results of a facelift.

How Does
It Work?

Cheek Augmentation: How Does It Work?Cheek Augmentation: How Does It Work?

Before surgery, Dr. Fedok will carefully assess your facial contours to determine whether an implant will help you and which type, malar or submalar, is best for your particular condition. There are various sizes and shapes of preformed silastic implants for these procedures, ensuring the right fit for your desired facial structure and balance.

Who Are Ideal Candidates?

Cheek Augmentation: Are You An Ideal Candidate?Cheek Augmentation: Are You An Ideal Candidate?

Candidates for cheek augmentation are typically individuals who want to achieve a natural “high cheekbone” effect. Patients who have experienced facial trauma or have a congenital defect are also eligible candidates for a malar or submalar augmentation.

Cheek Implant Benefits

Cheek Implant Benefits

Cheek augmentation is a safe and relatively painless procedure that can enhance your natural beauty and give you the confidence you deserve. Benefits include:

  • Improved facial symmetry
  • Fuller cheeks and a more balanced appearance
  • Long-lasting results
  • Safe and customizable for your desired look

Cheek Augmentation Before & After Results

Before and After Results - View the gallery
Treatment Consultation

Cheek Augmentation Surgery

The surgery is done with local anesthesia and mild intravenous sedation or “twilight” anesthesia. The implant is usually placed through an incision in the mouth. The incision is hidden in the upper lip above the gum line to ensure no visible scar and dissolvable stitches are used.



There is little pain and discomfort associated with either implant surgery. The swelling is minimal and bruising is rare. Patients can return to work and their other activities within two to four days.

Cheek Implant: Recovery
Cheek Implant: Risks and Side Effects

Risks and Side Effects

While cheek augmentation carries risks like infection, bleeding, asymmetry, nerve damage, and implant migration, Dr. Fedok’s expertise minimizes these risks and achieves transformative results.

Book Your Cheek Augmentation Consultation With Dr. Fedok Today

Dr. Fedok has the artistry and experience to give you beautiful, natural-looking cheeks. Schedule your consultation today! We serve patients throughout Daphne, Fairhope, Gulf Shores, and Alabama.

Dr. Fedok photo

By Dr. Fedok, a well-respected and widely published double board-certified plastic surgeon whose before and after gallery, RealSelf and Google Reviews reflect his trusted expertise.

Dr. Fred G. Fedok - inspected patient


Dr. Fedok can advise on this during an in-person consultation. In general, individuals who have inherited flat cheekbones, resulting in a lack of natural facial contour, and those who seek the procedure to eliminate a cherub-cheeked appearance fall into the malar augmentation category. Individuals interested in enhancing their natural facial contours, particularly addressing areas that have become hollow over time, are ideal for submalar augmentation. Typically, these candidates are men and aging women who do not have substantial fatty deposits in their facial area and are looking to restore fullness to their faces.

Generally, cheek implants are designed to be long-lasting, but their longevity can vary from person to person. Many individuals experience results that can last for several years or even decades. However, over time, the aging process and factors such as changes in weight and skin elasticity can potentially affect the appearance and position of the implants. Thus, it is important to discuss the expected lifespan of cheek implants with Dr. Fedok during your consultation.

The level of discomfort varies based on the chosen cheek augmentation method. Dermal filler injections and fat grafting typically involve minimal discomfort, with some mild bruising or swelling. Surgical placement of cheek implants may result in more discomfort and generally requires anesthesia.

Yes. The procedure can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a facelift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, or fat transfer.

Yes, there are non-surgical alternatives, such as dermal fillers. These injectable fillers can provide temporary volume and contour enhancement.

During your consultation, Dr. Fedok will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and recommend the most suitable method. He will explain the procedure, potential risks, the expected outcomes, and the recovery process.

The cost of cheek implants can vary depending on the implant location, the surgeon’s experience, the type of implants used, and any additional associated fees. It is advisable to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to obtain an accurate estimate. Please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment.

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